
Rather, you must grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

2 Peter 3:18 (NLT)

Our Adult Christian Education programs are varied and plentiful at West Lawn. We have an assortment of Sunday school classes and Bible studies to dig into the Word and approach life from a Biblical perspective. In addition, we also provide Christian classes on marriage, parenting and finances. Sunday School classes, Bible Studies and Prayer Groups meet regularly at our Church and in homes.

Our small groups connect individuals in Christian communities. Within these circles, friends come together regularly to love and support one another as they draw closer to God, and live Christ-honoring lives.  By empowering individuals and families through education and service opportunities, West Lawn has created a culture of discipleship. Together, we can show the world we are Christians by our love.
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Bible Study Groups


9:30 Table Talk

All adults are invited to our Sunday School as a variety of relevant topics, using video-based studies, are discussed. Meeting each Sunday morning in room 109 of the Education Building at 9:30 AM. Past studies and discussions have been from the likes of Adam Hamilton, Max  Lucado,  Andy Stanley, and many others. You can join our group at any time!

Barth Memorial Class

Adults are invited to this Sunday School class at 9:30 am in our 100 Woodside house.

11:00 Table Talk

All adults are invited to our Sunday School as a variety of relevant topics, using video-based studies, are discussed. Meeting each Sunday morning in room 109 of the Education Building at 11:00 AM.


Monday Evening Bible Study

Everyone is invited to attend a weekly, Monday night Bible study, starting at 7:00 pm in the music room (located in the lower level of the Sanctuary building). Lively discussion each week!

Monday Night Men's Bible Study

Men of all ages are encouraged and invited to Bible Study on Monday nights in room 109 of the Education Building beginning at 6:30 pm. Currently studying: "7 Challenges Men Encounter"


A Little Bit of Coffee and a Whole Lot of Jesus Bible Study

Everyone is invited to join this weekly Bible Study in room 110 of the Education Building on Tuesdays at 9:30 am. Come caffeinated and be ready to explore God and deepen your faith. 

Book-by-Book Bible Study

Everyone is welcome to join this short-term Bible study. During the fall the group studies a book from the Old Testament and a book from the New Testament in the spring. Currently meeting in room 110 of the Education Building, beginning at 7:00 pm. Our fall study goes from Sept. 19 to Oct. 24.

Mom Time + Kids Stay and Play

Moms of young children come together on Tuesday nights from 6:30 - 8:00 for some much deserved "Mom Time." As this group gathers in the comfortable West Woodside home, they enjoy snacks, informal discussions, and quality friendship time. Meanwhile, their children are well taken care of in our nursery just across the street.

Women's Small Group (30s & 40s)

Women, in their 30s and 40s, are invited to join this small group for support and studying God's Word. Meeting each Tuesday night beginning at 6:30 pm in room 112 of the Education Building.


Pastor Tom's Bible Study

All are welcome to join Pastor Tom's Bible Study each week on Wednesdays at 9:30 am in room 109 of the Education Building.

West Lawn Wednesday with Pastor Tom

All are welcome to join "West Lawn Wednesday with Pastor Tom, a Bible study, weekly on Wednesdays, in Woodside West (house across from Community Center)  at 7:00 pm.

Young Family Small Group

Those finding themselves "too busy" to join a traditional-style, in-person Bible study due to family schedules are encouraged to join our small group. We meet each Wednesday night at 8:30 pm on Zoom (no traveling and no babysitters necessary... and you can join from your pajamas!).


Women's Bible Study

All women are invited to attend  each Thursday morning from 9:30 am to 11:30 am in room 109 of the Education Building.

Estudio Bíblico 

Estudiemos juntos en español las Escrituras. En la Iglesia Metodista Unida de West Lawn serasparte de una comunidad que ama y anhela conocer a DIOS. Cada Jueves de 6:30pm a 8:30pm nos reunimos para estudiar y encontrar respuestas a muchas de nuestras preguntas y significado a nuestra vida. Para mas información puede comunicarse con el Pastor Nick Camacho al número de cellular 484-769-5173 o enviar un correo electrónico a


Social Justice Bible Study

All are welcome to join the Social Justice Bible Study, held Friday evenings on Zoom beginning at 7:00 pm. This group aims to study the Bible through the lens of the marginalized, oppressed, and disenfranchised. What does Jesus say about caring for the least and the lost, those that society casts aside?


Currently, there are no Bible studies offered on Saturdays.

Interested in joining a Bible study?

Complete this form and someone will be in touch with you soon.