
Relationships Matter.

In life, nothing else defines us as deeply as relationships with others. At West Lawn Firehouse Youth, we believe that the connections youth make during the teenage years have the ability to make a lasting impact the rest of their lives. Youth need relationship with each other, with committed faithful adults, and especially with Jesus Christ. Our weekly programs, retreats, special events and summer trips aim to Invite, Embrace, and Empower teens to grow with Christ.

Weekly Schedule 


9:30 Sunday school (6th grade &7th grade)  Room 110 in the Reiner Education Building
9:00 Confirmation Class (8th grade) in Room 109 of the Reiner Education Building
HS Students- Attend worship with one another (front left rows) during 9:30am, and many other youth attend at 8 or 11am with their own families.  

6pm-8pm -Youth Group -Join other students as we hang out, play games, hear a message and meet with our small groups.

For regular updates  on Events and activities, please download the WLUMC App.  
A full Youth Calendar can be found on the  Grow/Youth Section and the Events Section of the App. 


Grow Your Faith.

The process of a person confirming their faith and
becoming a member of the United Methodist Church has always been seen as a significant step in a student’s faith formation. Here at West Lawn UMC we confirm students in 8th grade and above. If you would like more information about signing up your student up for confirmation classes, visit the Confirmation section on your church App, download our Intro Packet, or
email Trisha Rabold by filling out this Informational form .  
Class forms and finalizes each November, and Confirmation Sunday often occurs in May. 

Contact Us

To get in touch with our Youth Pastor Trisha Rabold, or to hear more about all of our student ministry opportunities, fill out the form below.

Follow us on social media!