
"Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these." - Jesus

Mark 12:31

In our own backyard and around the world, West Lawn UMC is committed to loving our neighbors through mission work. We believe that every person in our congregation can serve as the hands and feet of Jesus in some way -from prayer to financial support, to volunteering locally in our communities or to going where God leads us globally. That’s why we offer many, life-changing mission opportunities for our people and the communities that we serve.
Here in the Reading area, West Lawn UMC helps feed the hungry and shelter the homeless through a variety of ministries. Our maternity and kids’ consignment sale helps clothe and support local mothers and children.  

 Beyond Berks county, we send teams, multiple times a year, on domestic and international trips to repair and build homes.  We’ve also packaged thousands of meals for our hungry brothers and sisters around the world, and prepared disaster supply kits for those in need.

 In addition to our regular tithes and offerings, we’ve given away more than half-a-million-dollars since 2012 through a special Christmas Miracle Offering.  
From our youngest believers to our more seasoned servants, we’re a congregation on a mission. Join us!  

At West Lawn UMC we believe God is calling us to serve our neighbors, near and far, in ways that preserve one's dignity and provide hope for lasting change.  We feel God has blessed us with the ability and the passion to feed the hungry and shelter those in need.  In partnership with nonprofit organizations, we are striving to make a difference in people's lives and in our world.

We are honored to partner with:

The Fuller Center for Housing and Disaster ReBuilders

Together, we have built or repaired homes along the Gulf Coast,  in North Carolina, and have built and funded construction of homes in Haiti, Peru and El Salvador.

The Hope Rescue Mission

Hope Rescue Mission, in Reading, PA, is a place where homeless men (and soon, women) can find shelter, food, and job training, offered in an environment of Christian love.  We provide evening meals for the residents once a month.

New Journey Community Outreach, Inc.

New Journey Community Outreach, Inc., on S. 6th St. in Reading, provides a meal for those in need 4 times a week, a Food Pantry every Wednesday, and a clothing center available to all, including a "back-to-work" section.  Our church members and friends help provide meals several times each month and help out throughout the year.

Opportunity House

Opportunity House, in Reading, PA, is a place where men and women with families can find shelter, food, and job training, along with childcare for those who find employment.  We provide evening meals for the residents 20 times a year.
These are just a few of the mission partners with whom we share the call to love our neighbors in tangible ways.

Join the Mission! Sign Up to Serve!

We are always looking for people to serve locally and globally. To get connected with our mission coordinators at West Lawn UMC, please complete the form below.

Active Missionaries

We also partner with:

Chris & Nancy Momose, who bring the Light of Christ to people in Japan.  Together, they serve God by teaching English and running a local church that they planted in their 30+ years of service there.

Jon & Melissa Eager, who serve as missionaries in Tanzania through Africa Inland Mission.  Dr. Jon Eager is the primary medical provider of a clinic that serves the region of Magambua.

Divine Ministries, in Haiti, has taken in hundreds of children over the years, providing shelter, food, education, and spiritual upbringing to those who otherwise have been forgotten, abandoned, or worse.  Divine Ministries is supported locally by TeamONE27, headed by Mark Gillette.