
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

Jesus commanded us to go and make disciples of all nations.  Here at West Lawn, we believe that faith formation is the place to start. How? By investing in our children and partnering with their parents.

West Lawn children are fully immersed in the worship experience in their own unique way, each and every Sunday morning.  Children’s Sunday School classes are designed to help children age 3 through Grade 5 to know and love Jesus…through storytelling, crafts, games, music and more!  

Mid-week, when parents gather in a small group settings, for Bible studies, or to participate in various ministries, we provided a Stay and Play option for kids — action-packed evenings where faith meets fun.

On Sunday nights, Kids Clubs and Tween Group draw West Lawn children—and their friends—for more fun, learning, games and snacks.

Throughout the year, we hold special events, including Vacation Bible School, holiday parties, an Easter Celebration, movie nights and more!

In addition to nurturing our children, we are committed to equipping families to grow in faith together. Family workshops, social media and supplemental materials are just some of the tools we use to keep the conversation going at home. We also provide opportunities to serve others together, like our meal-packaging events. We cannot wait to meet you!

For regular updates  on events and activities, please download the West Lawn UMC App.  
A full Children's Ministry Calendar can be found on the  Grow/West Lawn Family Section and the Events Section of the App. 

Developing lifelong faith is a journey. And West Lawn is here to support our young disciples and their families, every step of the way.



All Sunday morning children's programming and offerings are located in the Reiner Education Building (across the street/walkway, from the Sanctuary).
Nursery– Infants & Toddlers (ages  0- 2 typically) Rooms 104-106
Age 3 & 4– Room 200
Age 5/Kindergarten Sunday School- Room 202  
1st & 2nd Grade Sunday School– Room 204-206
3rd Grade Sunday School – Rooms 208
4th Grade Sunday School– Room210
5th Grade Sunday School– Room 207-209

SUNDAY MORNINGS- 11:00 -12:00 PM

NURSERY– Infants & Toddlers (ages 0-2) – Rooms 104-106


Kids Club - Grades 2-3, Community Center
Tween Group - Grades 4-5, Community Center


STAY & PLAY TUESDAYS- 6:30-8:00 PM - Nursery
Childcare for children whose parents are onsite engaged in Bible Studies, Small Groups and Ministries.

Looking for a mid-week, afterschool program?

Safe Haven Lighthouse is an afterschool program held at West Lawn UMC that serves the school-age children of our community. Safe Haven Lighthouse is held on Wednesdays from 3:30-5:30 p.m. beginning in September and operates until May. We provide a snack, craft, Bible lesson, games, and homework help.

Sunday School Registration Form

Please fill out a separate form for each child you intend to enroll.