The meaning of membership in The United Methodist Church is deeply rooted in our Methodist heritage. The founder of the Methodist movement, John Wesley, was clear that Christianity is a social religion, and that our growth in holiness of heart and life is deeply dependent on being in community with others who are watching over us (and we over them) in love. It is through these relationships that we experience what it means to be the body of Christ in the world.
For United Methodists, membership requires our active participation in a local congregation. When we become members, we profess our faith in God, our desire to live as disciples of Jesus Christ, and commit to join with our church community to keep the vows made at baptism. The vows we make include promises to faithfully participate in the life and ministries of our local congregation through our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness.
Throughout our life, as we pray, study the scriptures, worship, and share in fellowship with other Christians, we deepen our knowledge of and love for God. As we respond with compassion to human need and work for justice in our communities, we strengthen our capacity to love our neighbors. We confess and repent of our sins, ways in which we fall short of God's way. In this way, our inner thoughts and motives, as well as our outer actions and behavior, are aligned with God's will and testify to our union with God.
God’s family here at West Lawn UMC welcomes you! If you are interested in taking the next step and desire to join the church, please complete the following questionnaire.
For United Methodists, membership requires our active participation in a local congregation. When we become members, we profess our faith in God, our desire to live as disciples of Jesus Christ, and commit to join with our church community to keep the vows made at baptism. The vows we make include promises to faithfully participate in the life and ministries of our local congregation through our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness.
Throughout our life, as we pray, study the scriptures, worship, and share in fellowship with other Christians, we deepen our knowledge of and love for God. As we respond with compassion to human need and work for justice in our communities, we strengthen our capacity to love our neighbors. We confess and repent of our sins, ways in which we fall short of God's way. In this way, our inner thoughts and motives, as well as our outer actions and behavior, are aligned with God's will and testify to our union with God.
God’s family here at West Lawn UMC welcomes you! If you are interested in taking the next step and desire to join the church, please complete the following questionnaire.