Love Without Limits - Pastor Tom (10.1.23)

Oct 1, 2023    Pastor Tom Ebersole

In the Parable of the Good Samaritan, who is the Samaritan? Describe him and his relationship to Israel. The Samaritan represents the “other” in our lives, someone we consider “less-than.” Can you consider who some of your Samaritans might be? Write them down. What makes them Samaritan for you? As a test, the Scribe asked Jesus, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” If he was earnest, what would have been a better question for him to ask? What question would you ask Jesus? Are we saved by works? Or, are we saved by grace? Can our actions save us? Or, do we need a Savior? When the Scribe asks Jesus, “Who is my neighbor?” What is he really asking Jesus? Who is the person lying alongside the road to Jericho? Is there anyone in your life right now that represents that person? Have you been that person? Are you that person now? What would cause you to stop and help that person alongside the road? What would prevent you from stopping? How does it change things when the “other”—the Samaritan in your life—stops and helps you when you are stranded along the side of the road?