Forgiveness - Pastor Tom (9.24.23)

Sep 24, 2023    Pastor Tom Ebersole

In the parable of the unmerciful servant, what is unique about the debt the servant owes to the King? What is unique about the debt owed to the servant? When the debt comes due, how does each lender react differently? The King? The servant? What are your thoughts on each one’s reaction? Define the elements found in the parable: 1) Who is the King? 2) Who are the servants? The questions we are supposed to ask ourselves when we hear the parable of the unmerciful servant are as follows: 1) “Which level of forgiveness do I relate more closely to? The King or the servant? Why?”  2) “Am I generous in forgiving others? Is there someone against whom I am harboring anger and frustration? Who? Why?” What is your plan this week to release yourself and the other person from this bondage? 3) “Am I fully aware of the extremely generous act of the King on my behalf? How can I live differently in response to that generosity?”