Intergenerational Mission Trip to West Virginia
Are you looking to make a difference this summer? Are you hoping to make new relationships with new people in our church? West Lawn UMC will be taking a mission trip to West Virginia this summer that will give you an opportunity to make a difference by serving others in need and by forming new relationships with those you serve and with those you work alongside.
Everyone – that includes all ages and skill levels – are wanted and needed for this trip! From the youth and their parents, to the young adults, elder adults, and the young-at-heart adults in our church; to the first-time mission-tripper to the mission trip veteran; to those who know how to swing a hammer and those that don’t know what a hammer is… all are wanted and needed for this trip! (You must have completed 6th grade to attend.)
Pastor Chris and our youth pastor, Trisha Rabold, will be leading this intergenerational team to Central Appalachia (West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee), specifically West Virginia. The trip will be from July 17-23 and cost $300 per person. Those in our youth group will have an opportunity to earn scholarship money and lower their cost to $150. Everyone that is interested in joining our team, please plan to attend an informational meeting on Sunday, January 23 at 5:00pm in the Firehouse Café Youth Room. (Parents of youth, please attend this meeting.)
Appalachia Service Project (ASP), is a Christian ministry, open to all people, that inspires hope and service through volunteer home repair in Central Appalachia. Since 1969, when it was founded by a Methodist pastor, ASP volunteers have been making homes warmer, safer, and drier for families in need and providing life transforming experiences for everyone involved. To learn more about ASP, please visit their website and attend the meeting on January 23 at 5:00pm.