Help Build Hope 2024
West Lawn is partnering with Help Build Hope to build house frame walls by building partnerships, building relationships, building community, and building homes, through hosting a local mission project in our parking lot on October 18-19, 2024.
During this event, we will essentially build the frame structure for a small house, that will then be given to a family in need to achieve affordable home ownership. The walls we build will provide a way to reduce cost for Habitat for Humanity and Fuller Centers for Housing and allow them to completely finish the homes faster.
We invite our entire congregation, regardless of age, experience or expertise, to help with the build. We are seeking around 120 volunteers to serve over the course of the two days. Here are the ways anyone age 5 and older can help:
Cut Session Volunteers - Friday, October 18
5:30-8 PM
25-30 adults are needed to assist the Help Build Hope staff with cutting the material for a one-house build event. The skill sets for the cut session are as follows: (A) 4-6 individuals who are comfortable operating power saw /measuring and cutting accurate measurements within 1/16. (B) 4-6 individuals are needed to label the cut lumber with a marker. (C) 4-6 individuals to carry the cut and labeled lumber to the appropriate area designated by the Help Build Hope staff. (D) The remainder of the individuals will work to attach Vinyl to top and bottom plates.
Build Day Crew Leaders - Friday, October 18 and Saturday, October 19
Friday: 5:30-8 PM
Saturday: 8-11 AM
We will need a set of crew leaders on build day that have framing experience and/or have training by Help Build Hope staff after the cut session. The ideal ratio for crew leaders is one (1) crew leader to 6-7 participants. The time commitment for this volunteer would be one hour after the cut session and the duration of the build event. Because of liability concerns, no one under 21 can be a crew leader.
Build Day Volunteers - Saturday, October 19
8-11 AM
We need 75-100 volunteers to assemble the walls.
Loading Volunteers - Sunday, October 20
12-1 PM
We need 15-20 volunteers to assist Help Build Hope staff in disassembling and loading the house. This group of volunteers should have the ability to lift heavy objects.
Hospitality - Saturday, October 19
8-11 AM
Everybody loves goodies when they are working hard! This team will help our volunteers stay hydrated and fed throughout the morning.