A Note from the Pastor

Dear West Lawn Church Family,
Lent has long been a sacred time of reflection, repentance, and renewal in the Christian tradition that dates back more than 1,700 years. For forty days, excluding Sundays—beginning on Ash Wednesday and culminating in the joy of Easter Sunday—the Church journeys with Christ through the wilderness, the cross, and ultimately the resurrection. It is a time for us to draw closer to God through prayer, fasting, and study, deepening our faith as we prepare to celebrate the victory of our risen Lord.

This year, our church family will be walking this Lenten journey together through an all-church Bible study and sermon series titled “The Hymns of Easter.” Drawing inspiration from the devotional book by Alan Vermilye, we will explore the powerful truths of our faith through some of the most beloved hymns of the Church. These songs, passed down through generations, proclaim the hope of the gospel and remind us of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Each week, we will reflect on a different hymn, allowing its words and melody to shape our hearts and guide us toward Easter morning:
· “Christ the Lord is Risen Today”
· “He Lives”
· “The Old Rugged Cross”
· “Blessed Assurance”
· “How Great Thou Art”
· “Amazing Grace”
· The “Hallelujah Chorus”

These hymns are more than just songs; they are theological declarations, prayers set to music, and testimonies of faith that have stood the test of time. They echo the Lenten journey—leading us through repentance and reflection, through the sorrow of the cross, and into the joy of the empty tomb.

I encourage you to fully engage in this season with us—by worshiping together, joining a Bible study, and even reading along with The Hymns of Easter devotional, which is available online for those who wish to use it for personal reflection. May these weeks of Lent prepare our hearts, lift our spirits, and lead us into a deeper love for our Savior.

Pastor Tom